Health care on Stabilize emotions

中華針灸 Chinese Acupuncture  
穩定情緒 Stabilize emotions  
Application for Ultrasound accupuncture and RLT (Sunset harmonic) 超聲針-主頁
E1**少海穴 E1**Shaohai (Heart Meridian-HT3) Image
疏心氣,清包絡,寧神志,化痰涎 Soothe the heart, clear the envelope, calm the mind, reduce phlegm and salivation
精神分裂症,健忘 Schizophrenia, Amnesia
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E2**神門穴 E2**Shenmen (Shenmen-HT7)
Emotions and Anxiety with Palpitations
安神寧心,清火涼營,清心熱,調氣逆 Tranquilize the mind, clear the fire and cool the camp, clear the heart and heat, regulate and smoothen Qi
痴呆,癲癇,健忘,心悸,心煩,失眠 Dementia, Epilepsy, Forgetfulness, Palpitations, Upset, Insomnia
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E3**安眠穴 E3**Anmian (EX-HN22)
有鎮靜安神之功能,可治療失眠、煩躁不安等病,使人能安然入眠 It has the function of calming and calming the nerves, and can treat insomnia, irritability and other diseases, so that people can sleep peacefully
失眠,煩躁不安,心悸,精神分裂症,頭痛,癲癇 Insomnia, Restlessness, Palpitations, Schizophrenia, Headache, Epilepsy
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E4**太衝穴 E4**Taichong (Liver Meridian-LR3) Image
平肝熄風、清熱利膽、明目 Suppressing liver and calming wind, clearing away heat and promoting gallbladder, improving eyesight
高血壓,神經衰弱 high blood pressure, Neurasthenia
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E5**太溪穴 E5**Taixi (Kidney Meridian-KI3) Image
益腎、降火 Tonify the kidney and
reduce fire (relieving tenstile)
失眠、神經衰弱 Insomnia, Neurasthenia
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干擾波止痛機 Interferial Pain relieves

光療止痛機 RLT Pain relieves

超聲波針灸儀 Ultrasound accupuncture

超聲波治療按摩儀 Ultrasound therapy massager